With our tour experience you will discover the real flavour of India and see the major influences that shaped the country's colourful and multi-cultural history. Visit dramatic settings, cruise down the Ganges River and see the most sacred ancient temples and sites.spiritual tradition, gracious people, delicious food and fabulous shopping!
13 Jours | 12 nuits
AlamSéjour linguistiqueSolidaritasSpiritualitéCulturelSouth India
11 Jours | 9 nuits
AlamSpiritualitéCulturelMagical North India
On this fascinating private tour experience the real flavour of India and discover the major influences that shaped the country’s colourful and multi-cultural history. Visit dramatic settings, cruise down the Ganges River and see the most sacred ancient temples and sites.spiritual tradition, gracious people, delicious food and fabulous shopping!